Intro post

Hello, my name is Krystal Peters. Growing up I had dyslexia, which caused problems with reading comprehension since the letters would randomly change.  I became uninterested in writing due to this. Over time, however I became an avid reader. I started small reading a few novels here and there.  My first real pull into the wonderful world of reading was when I read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J. K. Rowling. I soon found myself reading book after book all the way to the completion after my high school days. I also started to read ­the Lord of the Rings series by J. R. R. Tolkien. I was reading through the books in between the release of the Harry Potter series. I know have a book collection of over 1000 books not including e-books, though most of them are romance novels. I find myself reading many articles online as well.

As for writing, expressing myself via words has always been difficult for me. I would right, review and revise making sure everything was perfect. Sometimes my sentences do not make sense. I just cannot think of a way to revise them. I use my husband as a sounding board for my writing. I write mostly in debates I engage in online; using wit and sarcasm, heavily. I use writing as a way to express myself. Actually, one random talent I used a lot when I was younger was the ability to write in code. I used the Phoenician alphabet to pass secret letters back and forth to my best friend in high school. I still can till this day after decade has passed. I used to write blogs to help clear my mind and still occasionally type things out to clear out my head. I usually do it with music on.

Out of all the writing utensils I use. I prefer keyboards since I can type almost as fast as my thoughts pour through my head. As for writing paper I like to right on parchment or graphing paper. Since I can also doodle on graphing paper and let’s face it parchment paper is cool. I think my strengths as a reader is if something pulls me in I will read it from start to finish; getting completely absorbed into the story. I actually prefer fiction to non-fiction as I find most non-fiction to be dull and not riveting. My motto is if I cannot get past the first page of a book, I cannot read it. The book has to pull me in. My weakness is takes a lot of me to sit down and type out papers. I need to be inspired to do them or else I hit a mental wall. It blocks my ability to write anything or my sentences are jumbled and confusing. I would like to learn to transition a bit better. I have always had a problem with it.

As for the paper versus screen issue, I prefer paper. It’s better for my eyes. However the Kindle Paperwhite looks just like paper and is a screen. So if I have to read a doc, I will convert it to a .mobi file and read it on my Kindle.

One thought on “Intro post

  1. Lots of interesting info here–I’m especially intrigued by your use of the Phoenician alphabet! Nice title and blog background too.

    Have you decided what theme you’d like to write about? Send me an email when you get them theme proposal posted so I can be sure to get in asap to give you some feedback.

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